Programmes for academic staff
- University procedures
- Teaching-learning process and Student-Centered Education
- Cutting-edge technologies for effective teaching and learning environment
- Integration of technology in teaching-learning process
- Training in curriculum development and revision
- Research methodologies and skills
- Research presentation and publication opportunities
- Challenges and opportunities in the academic field
- Attitudinal development
- Skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Meditation/ Mindfulness programmes for personal growth and spiritual development
- Motivational programmes
- Acts, Circulars and E-codes relevant to academic staff
- Student counselling services and skills
Programmes for Executive Officers, Management Assistants, Works Aids and other staffs
- University procedures
- Leadership qualities and management skills
- Roles and responsibilities
- Acts, Circulars and E-codes relevant to non-academic staff
- Communications skills
- Building effective relationships and fostering collaboration
- Soft skills development for the workplace
- Gender: equity, equality and dealing with issues
- Stress management techniques
- Meditation/ Mindfulness programmes for personal growth and spiritual development
- Mindfulness for stress management
- Attitudinal development
- Motivational programmes
- Career development: challenges and opportunities
- Skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Handling career and personal life challenges