Academic and Student Services Divition

“Academic and Student Services Division of the University is responsible for all the academic and students services activities of the faculties”

The following works are handled by this division.

1.Enrolling Students to the University.

2.All activities related to students affairs.

– Providing accommodation facilities for student

– Payment of bursaries and Mahapola Scholarships

– Conducting students’ elections

– Assisting various cultural, religious and other extracurricular activities

3.Conducting Faculty Boards and meetings

4.Coordinating Academic Staff and Non-academic staff of the faculties

5.Maintaining and organizing the faculty lecture halls and premises

6.Preparation of faculty academic calendar

7.Assisting to the Deans of the faculties in order to smooth functioning of the academic activities

8. Providing secretarial assistance to the Senate Sub-Committees such as the University Research Committee.

9. Assisting to the Research Management Committee.

10. Assisting to the Syllabus Development and Management Committee.

Staff Members

Miss: L.H.M.D. Fernando

Contact : +094 25 2235784 + 94 25 2236760 (Ext. 303) Email :

Name & Job Title


1.     Ven Ulpathagama Amitharathana



2.     Ven. Mahakumbukwawe Nandaloka



3.     Mr. N. Lokusooriya
Senior Staff Management Assistant

+094 25 2235784

4.     Mrs. K. M. N. M. Jayasinghe
Management Assistant Grade III

+094 25 2235784

5.     Mr. H. K. A. S. W. Karunarathna
    Cook (Higher Grade)


6.     Mr. W. C. S. Jayathilaka
    Cook (Higher Grade)


7.     Mr. N. G. J. Rajapaksha

Cook (Higher Grade)


8.     Mr. R. P. Dharmadasa

Work Aid -III


Ven Ulpathagama Amitharathana


Ven. Mahakumbukwawe Nandaloka

01 (8)

Mr. N. Lokusooriya

Senior Staff Management Assistant

Mrs. K.M.N.M.Jayasinghe

Management Assistant Grade III

Mr. P.T.G.J.A.Bandara

Works Aid III