Baladora himi

Ven. Baladora Indrajothi

Senior Lecturer -II

Department of Languages
Faculty of Languages and Cultural Studies
Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka

Monaragala Temple
Kuru/ Panadaragama

Mobile: +94776351660

  1. Master of Philosophy in Sanskrit 2011 – 2014
    University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
    Dissertation Title: “A Critical Study on Ayurvedic Principles in Agnipurāṇa”
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Sanskrit – with 1st Class Honors 2001 – 2005
    University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
    Dissertation Title: “A Study of Roots in Sanskrit Language”
  3. Diplom a in Hindi
    University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 2016
  4. Diploma in Tamil
    University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 2015
  5. Post Graduate Diploma in Education 2010
    University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Dissertation Title: A Study of Sri Lankan Monastic Education
  6. Staff Development Program for Probationary Lecturers (CYCLE 22) 2020
    Staff Development Centre, University of Kelaniya,
  7. Certificate in Computer Literacy 2004
    University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
  8. Royal Pandit (Final degree examination of Oriental Languages 1998 – 2002
    Oriental Language Society, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka


Academic Experience

  1. Senior Lecturer 2021- Up to date
    Department of Languages – Bhikṣu University of Sri Lanka.
  2. Lecturer (unconfirmed) 2019-2021
    Department of Languages – Bhikṣu University of Sri Lanka.
  3. Temporary Assistance Lecturer 2017 – 2018
    Department of Sanskrit – University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
  4. Temporary Assistance Lecturer 2016 – 2017
    Department of Sanskrit – University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
  5. Temporary Assistance Lecturer 2015 – 2016
    Department of Sanskrit -University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
  6. Teacher 2008 – 2015
    Vidyālaṅkāra Monastic College, Sri Lanka
    Subjects – Pāli, Sanskrit, Sinhala,


  1. Conference Chair – International Conference on Sanskrit, ICS 2023 2023
    Department of Languages, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  2. Member – Research and Publication Committee,
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 2021
  3. Member – Abstract Review Panel, 7th International Conference, BUSL – IBC 2022,
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  4. Member – Appeal Considering Committee of Internal and External Students 2021
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  5. Member – Internal Quality Assurance Cell,
    Faculty of Languages and Cultural Studies,
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 2021
  6. Session Chair – 6th International Conference, BUSL-IBC 2021, 2021
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  7. Examiner – 2nd Semester Examination, Academic Year – 2020/2021
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  8. Examiner – 1st Semester Examination, Academic Year – 2020/2021
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  9. Examiner – 1st Semester Examination, Academic Year – 2019/2020
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  10. Examiner – 2nd Semester Examination, Academic Year – 2018/2019
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  11. Examiner – 1st Semester Examination, Academic Year – 2018/2019
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  12. Examiner – Panel 09, 233 Sanskrit – III,
    Pracina Madyama Examination of the Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka,
    Ministry of Education. 2017/2018
  13. Chief Supervisor – 1st and 2nd Year Examination of external degree course, 2022
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  14. Chief Supervisor – Course In English, 15th Batch, 2021
    UPEDEC, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  15. Chief Supervisor – Final Examination of external degree course, 2021
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  16. Chief Supervisor – Final Examination of external degree course, (5th Batch) 2019/2020
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  17. Chief Supervisor – 3rd Year Examination of external degree course, 2017/2018
    Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  18. Member of VIVA – VOCE Examination Board, PHD, Ven. Udugampala Gunanada, (BUSL/ PhD/2017/001) UPEDEC, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.


  1. Indrajothi, B. (2017). Sāralekhā. (in Sinhala) (A Serious of Articles), Vidyālankāra Publishers, Kelaniya. Sri Lanka
  2. Indrajothi, B. (2017). Āyurveda Teachers. (in Sinhala)  Samayawaradhana Publishers, Colombo. 
  3. Indrajothi, B. (2017). A Study of the Mudrārākṣasa of Viśākhadatta. (in Sinhala) Vidyālankāra Publishers, Kelaniya: 
  4. Indrajothi, B. (2017). Eighteen Purāṇā of Hindu Literature Agni Puranaya. (in Sinhala) Vidyālnkāra Publishers, Kelaniya:
  5. Indrajothi, B. (2017). A Study on Sansnskrit Verbs. Vidyālankāra Publishers, Kelaniya:
International/ National Seminar Presentations
  1. A Computerized System to Identyfy Sanskrit Verbs The 3rd International Conference on the Humanities: (ICH) 2017
  2. A Study on the Contemporary Oder of monk’s Society based On the Sanskrit Inscription of Jethawana Monastery  The 1st International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS 2016) 2016 Department of Sanskrit, University of kelaniya Sri Lanka
  3. The Connotation of the Daśabhūmika Sūtra is to Subdue the Arahat Concept  The 1st International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS 2016) 2016, Department of Sanskrit, University of kelaniya Sri Lanka
  4. Ancient Oriental Methods of Caring Trees: A Study on the Methods of Vṛkṣāyurveda Described in Agnipurāṇa, The 2nd International Conference on the humanitiesv (ICH 2016) 2016, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka
  5. Origin of the Classical Sanskrit , International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC) 2015, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of kelaniya Sri Lanka
  1. Abstract Book, International Conference on Sanskrit, ICS 2023 2023, Department of Languages, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  2. Abstract Book, – 7th International Conference, BUSL-IBC 2022, 2022, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  3. Pravacana Reviewed Journal, 2021-II, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  4. Pravacana Reviewed Journal, 2020-II, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  5. Prabhaṣa, peer reviewed academic journal, First Volume- 1st issue, 2021, Department of Languages, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  6. Prabhaṣa, peer reviewed academic journal, First Volume- 2nd  issue, 2021, Department of Languages, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
  7. Vidyālaṅkāra, Academic Journal, Vidyālaṅkāra Monastic College, 143 Vidyālankāra Day, 2018
  8. Prabhā, Journal of Faculty of humanities. University of Kelaniya.  Issue V, VoI-I  (With Thilini Prasādika at al.) 2017
  9. Prabhā, Journal of Faculty of humanities. University of Kelaniya.  Issue V, VoI-II (With Thilini Prasādika at al.) 2017
  10. Bhadanta Revatābhinandana, Felicitation Volume, Dedicated to Professor, Venerable Nawagamuwe Rewatha 2017
  11. Upanishad Literature, Periodical, Vidyālaṅkāra Monastic College,138th  Vidyālankāra Day, 2013, Vidyālaṅkāra, Academic Journal, Vidyālaṅkāra Monastic College, 137th  Vidyālankāra Day, 2012
  12. Vedic Literature, Periodical, Vidyālaṅkāra Monastic College, 136th  Vidyālankāra Day, Vidyālaṅkāra Monastic College 2011 
  1. Buddhist Sanskrit