Department of Applied Buddhist studies,
Faculty of  Buddhist studies, 
Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka
Puttalam Road,


Sri Chandrashekhararamaya,
Ananda Maitreya Mawatha, 
Maharagama, Sri Lanka.
Official: +94 252235978 

Mobile: +94 717450727

  1. B.A. (Hons.), (Main Subject- Pali, Supplementary Subject – Buddhist Psycho. Analysis, University of Kelaniya) – 2005
  2. M.A. (Buddhist Studies, Postgraduate Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya) – 2007
  3. M.A. (Pali Studies, Postgraduate Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya) – 2008
  4. M.A. (Buddhist Studies, International Buddhist Collage, Thailand) – 2012
  5. M. Phili. (Pali Studies, Postgraduate Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya) – 2016
  6. M.A. (Buddhist Ayurvedic Counseling , Postgraduate Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies, , University of Kelaniya), Sri Lanka.-2019
  1. Lecturer, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura (2014.04.20 – Up to now)
  2. Lecturer (Probationary) Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura (2011.04.20 – 2014.04.20)
  3. Lecturer (Temporary) Buddhasrawaka Bhiksu University, Anuradhapura (2009.10.10 -2011.04.19)
  4. Lecturer in Daham Sarasavi, Department of Buddhist affairs, University of Buddhist and Pali, Sri Lanka (Effective date – 10.11.2007)


  1. Concept of Bhava in Theravada Buddhism, Print and Published by Saraswathi Publications, Divulapitiya, September 2013. ISBN Number – 978-955-673-042-5 (Number of pages – 112)
  2. Essays on Buddhist Studies (Sinhala), Magadhi, Cybergate Service (Pvt.Ltd), Nugegoda, 2010 ISBN Number – 978-955-0398-08-09 (Number of Pages -150)

Articles in Reviewed Journals:

  1. Justification of the Assertion that Theravada Buddhism Differs from the Teachings of the Buddha, PRAVACANA, Reviewed Journal, Vol. 3, No.2-2012, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 2012 (210-225 pages)
  2. Sutra Deshana Aasrayen Sita Pilibanda Mulika Vimasumak, PRAVACANA, Reviewed Journal, Vol. 3 No.2-2015, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 2015 (192-306 pages)
  3. Virya Pilibanda Bauddha Upadeshanaya: Sutra Deshana Asrita Vimasumak, PRAVACANA, Reviewed Journal, Vol. 3 No.2-2016, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 2016 (176-199 pages)
  4. Nirvana Margayata Badha Karana Alasakama Jayagata Heki Bauddha Krama Vedaya: Sutra Pitaka Asrayeni PRAVACHANA, Reviewed Journal Vol. 7 No 11-2016, Bhiksu Univerity of Sri Lanka. 2016 (176-196 pages)

National and International Research Papers in Conferences:

  1. The Value of Pali Commentaries as Source Material for the Study of Buddhism, (Full paper published), International Pali Conference, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka. (2011)
  2. The Value of Pali Commentaries as Source Material for the Study of Buddhism, (Abstract) International Pali Conference, Universityof Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka (2011)
  3. Flourishing of the relics of the Buddha, (Abstract) International Buddhist Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (22 Nov. 2014)
  4. Ratnamali Mahathupa: The Most Ever Venerated Sthupa in the World, (Abstract) International Buddhist Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. (22 Nov. 2014)
  5. Buddhist Education: Life Education, (Abstract) Fifth International Conference, (SLABS) Sambuddhatva Jayanti Mandira, Colombo. (6th to 8th Sep. 2013)
  6. Techniques of Controlling Laziness with Reference to Buddhism, (Abstract) International Buddhist Conference, Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. (17,18&19 Feb.2012)
  7. Parents Role in Social Development; A Buddhist Investigation, (Abstract) 2nd National Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. (08th Nov. 2014)
  8. Parents Role in Social Development, (Abstract) National Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. (27&28 Dec. 2013)
  9. Extended Family and Social Development: A Buddhist Investigation, (Abstract) Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo 07. (28th 30th Mar. 2013)
  1. Ola writing
  2. Astrology
  3. ayurvedic medicine and history
  4. Budhist counselling