Rules and Regulations for the protection of library materials
All the members of the library are bound to follow the following rules and regulations for the betterment and security of the library. The membership of the readers who do not agree with the terms and conditions of the library will be cancelled. Actions against such violations and fines charged for a breach of regulations are mentioned below.
The readers must keep the university identity card with them when coming to the library.
- It is forbidden to bring bags, umbrellas, closed file bags, photo copies and printed documents/books(personal) to the library
- The rule of silence must be observed. Conducting interviews inside the library and distracting the other readers and staff members are not permitted.
- Using cellular phones inside the library is not allowed.
- When a book is properly borrowed from the counter, the reader must allow the security officer to enter necessary details concerned.information into the book.
- Already borrowed books cannot be brought into the library again, unless the reader wants to return it.
- A damaging, marking, defacing or mutilating library books is a punishable offence.
- Library users can get the assistance of the library staff members to find books they need and the readers are not required to keep the books in the assigned positions themselves.(keeping the book on the table is sufficient)
- A reader’s attempt to borrow books from the library cards of other readers will result in a deprivation of his/her own library membership.