Submission of Final Extended Abstracts

Your selected Extended Abstract will be published in the proceedings of BUSL NC 2017. All authors of accepted abstracts (irrespective of the mode of presentation) should submit the final Extended abstract according to guidelines given below.
  1. Abstracts can be written in Sinhala, English or Pali saved using MS Word 2007 or 2010 formats (file extension .doc,docx).


      • Paper size
      • Word limit  
    Between 1000 and 1200 words
      • Margins
    1.5 inches left; all other sides 1 inch
      • Font
    Times New Roman (English) Fmabhaya (Sinhala) Diacritical Marks (Norman/ Times Ext Roman)
      • Line spacing
    1.5 (Body of the Abstract)
      • Special instruction
    Figures and tables can be included in the Extended abstract if necessary
  2. The Extended Abstract Should Contain the following


    The letters should be bold uppercase font size 12. Center aligned.
    There should be no line space above the title.
    One line space should be left below the title.

    Name/s of

    Name/s of authors should be in font size 11, bold, lowercase letters (except initials and the first letter of the name/s) and center aligned.
    Initials (each initial should be followed by a full-stop and a space) or the first name should be followed by the surname/last name.
    Presenter’s name should be underlined.
    One line space should be left between the name/s and affiliation/s.

    Affiliation/s of

    Affiliation/s of authors should be in font size 11, italics , lowercase letters (with uppercase letters where necessary) and center aligned.
    The e-mail address of the author should be indicated at the end of the affiliations.
    A two-line space should be left between affiliations and the body of the text.


    Text should include Introduction, MethodsandProcedure, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.
    Text should be written in font size 12, justified without sub-titles/sub-headings.
    The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1.25 cm.
    The paragraphs should be separated by a single line space.


    Maximum of 4 keywords should be included with title, ‘Keywords’ at the end of the abstract. One line space should be left above the keywords.


    Should be cited in full at first occurrence except for standard abbreviations.


    Selected main five references in Harvard referencing system.

    Click here for the template of Extended Abstract.
