Diploma in Astrology



12 Months




SLQF Level


Level 03

Entry Qualification


    i.     A candidate should have passed GCE Advanced Level Examination or

  ii.     Should have passed Advanced Certificate Course in Astrology equal to SLQF level02 or

iii.     Any other qualifications acceptable to the Academic Syndicate of Bhiksu University and the University Senate. or

 iv.     Any candidate who is not complete above (i) and (ii) but interested in Astrology, will have to face an Examination and must have 50 marks or above for the Examination.

Course Modules


·     DIAT 03016 – Theory of Astrology and Resource Study

·    DIAT 03026 – Study of Auspicious Moment

·     DIAT 03036 – Astrology and Allied Sciences

·     DIAT 03046 – Divination Speech

·     DIAT 03056 – Thesis



Application Fees         – Rs.      500.00

Course Fees                – Rs. 25,000.00

(Course Fees can be paid in two installments)

Ven. Mahakachchakodiye Pangngasekara Thero

Diploma in Astrology & Advanced Certificate Course in Astrology