
Department of Social Sciences & Comparative Studies,
Faculty of Languages & Cultural Studies,
Puttalam Road,

G/Vidyananda Vidyayathana Pirivena, Indurupathvila,
Official: +94 252236760

Mobile: +94 715191298

  1. Master of Philosophy Degree (MPhil) in Philosophy (pdn)
  2. Bachelor of Arts (HONS) in Philosophy (pdn)

1. Member of Faculty Board in Faculty of Languages and Cultural Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 06.11.2022 – up to date.
2. Life time Member – Alumni Association of University of Peradeniya AAUP, Membership Number – F/L/2123.
3. Membership – Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka RASL – Membership Number 0/458.

  1. 1. Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences & Comparative Studies, Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 06.11.2022 – up to date.
    2. Probationary Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences & Comparative Studies, Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 06th – 11- 2019 to 06th – 11 – 2022.
    3. Visiting Lecturer, Unit of Post Graduate, External Degrees and Extension Courses, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura. 2022-2023.
    4. Temporary Lecturer, Department Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 21st – 08 – 2019 – 05th -11- 2019.
    Principal (Government), Sri Wijayawansha Bilingual Pirivena, Gampaha, 13th – 02 – 2019 – 18th -08- 2019.
    Teacher, Siri Saranatissa Dhamma School, Indurupathvila, Baddegama, 08 – 01- 2008 up to date.

The Utilization of Buddhist Environmental Ethics to Reduce Global Environmental Crises: A Philosophical Study Based on Early Buddhism – Master of Philosophy Degree (M.phil/19/20/265 – in Sinhala)

Concept of Mind; A Comparative and Philosophical Study of Early Buddhism and the Yogācara Idealism – Bachelor of Arts Degree, 2018. (A/13/494 in Sinhala)

• Medhaṅkarābhinandana: ven. Demalusse Medankarabhidhana – Felicitation Volume, (Ed.) Ven. Walipitiye Pagngnaratana, Ven. Gonalagoda Nanda and Ven. Mahavatte Subadha, Abhayasinharamaya, Colombo 10, 2023, ISBN 978-624-6428-00-6

• Studies of Social Sciences 2022 A Peer Reviewed Journal Vol-IV, (Ed.) Ven Udugampola Gunananda (main) Ven. Handagiriye Sirisumana, Ven. Muwapatigevala Hemaloka and Ven. Gonalagoda Nanda, Department of Social Sciences and Comparative Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2019, ISSN 2989-0853.

• Buddhist Epistemology: Professor K.N. Jayatilleke – Felicitation Volume, (Ed.) Ven. Gonalagoda Nanda and Namali Kumari Handagama, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. 2020, ISBN-978-624-00-1061-0

Reviewed Academic Journals
1. ”A Study on Modern Western Philosophy” Pravacana Reviewed Journal Vol 13 – No I, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2022, ISSN – 2345-9999.

2. ”An Ethical Study of Punishment and Capital Punishment with special reference to Cesare Beccaria’s Analysis” Pravacana Reviewed Journal Vol 12 – No I, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2021, ISSN – 2345-9999.

3. ”A Study on Antonio Gramsci’s Contribution for the Development of Western Marxism” Pravacana Reviewed Journal Vol 11 – No I, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2020, ISSN – 2345-9999.

4. ”An Investigatory Study on the Systematic Diffusion of Western Philosophy” Pravacana Reviewed Journal Vol 11 – No II, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2020, ISSN – 2345-9999.

5. ”A Study of How the Logical Problems of Four-alternative Expressions Do Not Arise in the Syadvadic Expressions and How Problems Related to Four-alternative Expressions Can Be Solved” Pravacana Reviewed Journal Vol 10 – No II, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2019, ISSN – 2345-9999.

Peer Reviewed Academic Journals
1. ”An Investigation on Natural and Non-Natural Language Analysis of Philosophy of Language” Prabhasa – Peer Reviewed Academic Journal Vol-I, Department of Languages, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2021″ ISSN 2820-2015.

2. ”A Philosophical Investigation into the Existence of the External World” Social Sciences Studies – A Peer Reviewed Journal Vol-I, Department of Social Sciences and Comparative Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2019, ISBN 978-624-5596-00-3.

3. ”An Introduction to Free-will” Social Sciences Studies – A Peer Reviewed Journal Vol-III, Department of Social Sciences and Comparative Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2021, ISSN 2989-0853. (Reviewed and in press)

4. ”An Introduction to Existentialism” Social Sciences Studies – A Peer Reviewed Journal Vol-II, Department of Social Sciences and Comparative Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2020, ISSN 2989-0853. (Reviewed and in press)

Academic Journals
1. “An Inquiry into the Utility of Buddhist Ethics in Solving Modern Environmental Crises” Patipada, Sri Lankan Rāmañña Maha Nikāya, 2022, ISBN – 978-955-7524-009.

2. “A Philosophical Study of How Medieval Philosophy Differs from Greek Philosophy” Sith Siyapath Academic Journal, Arts Students Union – University of Peradeniya, 2019, ISSN – 978-955-589-290-2.

3. “ A Study of the Kaṭopaniṣad and Its Teachings” Vidusarani Academic Journal, Samuhika Bhiksu Asociation – University of Peradeniya, 2018, ISSN – 2012-8819.

Felicitation- Commemorative Volumes

1. “A Philosophical Introduction to Nāgarjuna’s Theory of Emptiness” Sammanana – A Collection of Essays in Pali and Buddhist Studies, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies – University of Ruhuna, 2022, ISSN 2961-5399.

2. “An Normative Study on Buddhist Political Ethics” Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – Abhinandana Grantha Mala, Issue 01, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – Anuradhapura, 2021, ISBN – 978-624-5596-02-7.

3. “An Investigative Study of the Early Buddhist Concept of Truth” Buddhist Epistemology Prof. K.N. Jayatileke Felicitation Volume, S. Godage & Brothers – Colombo 10, 2020, ISBN – 978-624-00-1061-0.

4. “A Philosophical Study on the Objectivity of the Concept of Mind as Depicted in the Vedic Eras Professor Buddiprabha Pathirana Commemorative Volume, Department of Psychology – University of Peradeniya, 2019.

1. “A Study of Global Political Concerns Emerging from kautilya’s artha shasthraya”
International Conference on Sanskrit – ICS 2023, Department of Languages – Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – Anuradhapura. (20th December 2023) ISBN 978-624-5596-05-8.

2. “A Study On How Information and Communication Technology Can Be Used to Make the Learning and Teaching Process More Effective in Privena Institutions.” Ven. Gonalagoda Nanda and Ven. Kalubovitiyana Sorata, 7th International Buddhist Conference-IBC 2022, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – Anuradhapura. (16 November 2022), ISBN 978-955-1867-22-5.

3. “A Buddhist Ethical Approach in to Reducing Water Pollution 6th International Conference (Online) – BUSL-IOC 2021, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – Anuradhapura, 2021, (23rd December 2021), ISSN 2820-2481.

4. “An Ethical Study of the Reformist Approach as Presented in Buddhist Brahmadanda (Ostracism)” International Conference On Buddhist Studies (ICBS), Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna, 2021,, (25th November 2021), ISSN: Online 2815-0414.

5. “Utility of Buddhist Environmental Ethics in Reducing Environmental Pollution” iCMA 2021. Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura – Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, (22nd & 23rd November 2021), ISSN: 2386 – 1509.

6. ”Buddhist Attitude Towards Sexual Transformation” Religiosity and Secularism in Futuristic Context, BPU Webinar Series, 3rd International Online Conference 2021, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. (17th June 2021), ISSN: 2783-8765.

7. “An Ethical Study of the Buddhist Attitude to Abortion” International Buddhist Conference On Pāli And Buddhist Studies – Extended Abstract Book, Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies University of Kelaniya – Sri Lanka, IBCPB 2020., (23rd March 2021) ISBN: 978-624-5507-04-7.

8. “A Comparative Study of the Rejection of Buddhist Ethics by the Bhagavad Gita” 12th Annual Research Conference, The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, (28th – 30th March 2019), ISSN-1800-4067.

9. ”Spiritual Friendship (Kalyanamittata) as the Basis of the Spiritual Advancement with Special Attention to Wisdom (Panna) in the Light of selected Suttas From the Sutta Pitaka” NIRCBSH 2019, Nagananda International Institute for Buddhist Studies, (26th January 2019), ISBN-978-955-4995-15-4.

10. “Concept of Mind; A Comparative and Philosophical Study of Early Buddhism and the Yogācara Idealism” PROCEEDINGS URCFA 2018, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya 2018. (29th November 2018), ISSN-2536-8966.

11. “A Study of Possible Methods for the Acceptance of Perception and Belief as a Knowledge Arts Students Annual Research Symposium ‘ASARS 2018′, Arts Students’ Union – University of Peradeniya (08 June 2018), ISBN-978-955-589-252-0.


  1. Early Buddhist philosophy
  2. Environmental Philosophy  
  3. Ethics
  1. Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship ‘Awarded on the basis of the Results of the Advanced Level Examination’ by the Mahapola Higher Education Trust Fund, 2013-2014.