Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka,
New Puttalam Road,
Official: 025 2236248

Mobile: +94710164961 /+94767258711



  1. Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), University of Kelaniya. MSSc , Two year Master of Social Sciences degree, The title of the thesis: South Indian Influence on Sinhala Paleography (A critical analysis from the origin to the 7th century A.C.) 2013, Two year
  2. Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), University of Kelaniya. MA, Two year Master of Arts degree, the title of the thesis: Agricultural Life Revealing on Folk Poems. 2009, two year.
  3.   Staff Development Course, University of Kelaniya, Teaching methodology, 24th January 2014.
  4. Post Graduate Institute of Archaeological Research, (PGIAR), University of Kelaniya, Post Graduate Diploma in Archaeology, One Year, 2003
  5. Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), University of Kelaniya, Post Graduate Diploma in Sinhala, One Year, 2007
  6. University of Kelaniya, B.A. (Hons), Archaeology, The title of the thesis: Evolution of the Brahmi Scripts in Sri Lanka. (From the origin to the 10th century A.C.) 1998
  7. University of Buddhist and Pali, Diploma in Buddhism, 1994, One Year.
  8. University of Kelaniya, Certificate Course in English Language and Literature, One Year, 1996
  1. Member of Faculty Board of Languages and Cultural Studies, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka
  2. Member of Senate, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka
  3. Member of Council, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka
  4. Member of the Council of Archaeology, Sri Lanka
  5. Lifetime Member – Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka
  1. Director, IQAU (Internal Quality Assurance Unit)
  2. Head, Department of Social Sciences and Comparative Studies
  3. Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities, Kelaniya University of Sri Lanka, Dalugama, Sri Lanka
Publications in journals

01 Nathagane Vihara Pillar Inscription and Magātha Order, Sambhasha, Vol. 09, 1998

02 Unpublished Kaballalena Vihara Inscriptions – Sambhasha, Vol. 16, 2008

03 Unpublished Korossa Vihara Inscriptions, ARYA VIBHUSHANA – Abaya Ariyasinghe felicitation Volume- 2011

04 Vatinapaha Pillar Inscription of King Buvanekabhahu the 7th – Published in National Archaeological Symposium – 2009 ,Volume II

05 The Lord Buddha’s Preaching on Architectural Methods for Buddhist temples, Kalumada Sri Dhammavansa Thera felicitation Volume- 2011

06 The main aspects of Daham School Education, Dhammodaya Dhamma school 50th Anniversary Commemoration Volume, 1998

07 The Stupa, Jayasumana Journal, 2012

08 The Evolution of Budddha’s Statue and Shrine Room, Felicitation Volume for The New shrine Room Opening Ceremony of Maranagahamula Sri Valukaramaya, 2012

09 An Investigation on the Interpretations of Vaharala Inscriptions – Pravachana Vol. 3 No.2-2012

10 Dunagaha Sangha Leanage, Pushpābhinandana, Ven. Dunagaha Sri Dhammodaya felicitation Volume- 2013

11 A Reasearch on Ancient Income and Administrative Methods in Monasteries revealing from inscriptions, felicitation Volume of Mahanayaka Thera of Sri Lanka Ramanna Sector, 2013

12 A Research on the Pre Historic literacy in Sri Lanka, Pravachana, Vol. 3 No.1-2013

13 Sinhala Kamath Traditions Based on folk Poems – Abhippasada – felicitation Volume of Mohopādyaya Udugampola Piyananda Thera, 2014

14 Kongrayankulam Rock Inscription , Gānopāini” 150th Commemoration Volume of Sri Lanka Ramanna Sector, 2014

15 A Research on the Interpretations of the Early Settlements of Sri Lanka, Sārasangraha, felicitation Volume of Matale Sri amaravansa Anunayaka Thera , 2014

16 A research on the Buddhist Herritage of the Ândra Pradesh in Satavahana Dynasty, Pravachana Reviewed Journal, Vol. 5 No.1-2014

17 Kongrayankulam Rock Inscription of King Bhātikabhaya, Pravachana Reviewed Journal Vol. 2, No.2-2014

18 An Introduction of the facts for the domestication of Animals, Sastra Lochana, bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2015

19 Kelapitimulla Inscription of King Lanjitissa, Pravachana Reviewed Journal, Vol. 7 No.1-2016

20 A Research on the Buddhist Missionaries sent by Emperor Asoka as Provided by Archaeological evidences, Pravarthana, Vol. X, Sri Lanka Customs, 2017

21 The Donativeness of King Bhatikabhaya: A brief overview from kongrayankulam rock Inscription, Pranamanjali, Ven. Galwarama Sumanatissa felicitation Volume , 2017

22 Retrospect on Ancient Weight Reveal in the Literary Sources in Sri Lanka, Pravachana Reviewed Journal, Vol. 7 No.2-2016

23 An Introduction on Sri Lankan Megalithic Culture, Sastralochana, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2017

24 Unpublished Inscriptions of Uttuwelliya and Kongrayankulam Area, Uttuwelliya and Kongrayankulam exploration Project, Bhiksu University of sri Lanka, 2017

25 Megalithic Remains of Uttuwelliya and Kongrayankulam Area, Uttuwelliya and Kongrayankulam exploration Project, Bhiksu University of sri Lanka, 2017

26 An Investigation on Human Rights appeared in Sri Lankan Inscriptions, Pravachana Reviewed Journal, Vol. 8 No.01-2017

27 Sinhala Buddhist Heritages in Ampara District – An Investigation on Inscriptions, Ganopāini, 2018

28 An Investigation On Ten Sutras of Kuddhaka Nipatha, Tika Nipataya, Ganopaini, 2018

29 Banagala Copper Plaque of King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe, Pravachana Reviewed Journal, Vol. 8 No.02-2017 (in Printing Process)

30 Revelation on Mahanaga’s channel from Kongrayankulam Rock Inscription, Pravachana Reviewed Journal, Vol. 9 No.01-2018 (in Printing Process)

31 Human Rights appearing in Sri Lankan Ancient Records, Pravachana Reviewed Journal, Vol. 9 No.02-2018 (in Printing Process)

32 Hattikuchchi Vihara Inscriptions and Interpretation of Vaharala Inscriptions, 07th Chapter, Rajangana Hattikuchchi Pabbhatha Vihara saha Siri Sanghabodhi Bodhisatwa, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2019

33 Established Buddhist Concepts in Sri Lankan Agricultural Society (An Investigation on Sinhala folk poems), Sumanalekha, Ven. Prof. Alahenegama Sumanarathana Felicitation Volume, 2018

34 The need of history and archaeological knowledge on the Lord Buddha’s birth and residence places, Modern Social Issues, Vol.I, Published by the Tisarana Grantha Prakashana Mandalaya, Matara, 2019

Published books.

01 Evolution of the Brahmi script in Sri Lanka –Published in 2012

02 Janawansaya – An edition – Published in 2011

03 The Agricultural Life revealed from folk poems- Published in 2010

04 BAMANA MANDU- a stage drama, Staged from 2002 onwards.

05 Bomalu Puranaya.– Editor ,Saraswathi Publications.2006:

 UnPublished books and dissertations

01 A report of the collection ola-Leaf manuscripts of Sapugaha/Thammita Sri Bodhiyanghanaramaya– Unpublished

02 An introduction of the reasons for animal domestication – Unpublished

03 Specification of tourism in Negombo Region – Unpublished

04 The customs of KAMATHA based on Folk poems – Unpublished

05 Heritage Management and usage – Unpublished

06 The customs of KAMATHA based on Folk –poems – Unpublished –English translation

07 South Indian influence of the Brahmi Script in Sri Lanka.-A criticism. – A dissertation submitted to the FGS, Kelaniya University for the MSSc digree.

 Submitted papers,

01 The myth of early Braghmi Inscriptions written from Right to left . – Submitted a paper to the 3rdInternational Congress of the Society of South Asian Archaeology. (SOSAA) 2010

02 South Indian influence of the Brahmi Script in Sri Lanka.-A criticism. Submitted a paper in 09 thAnnual Research symposium- 2008. FGS, Kelaniya University.

03 VATINAPAHA Pillar inscriptionSubmitted a paper in National Archaeological Symposium – 2009

04 Indigenous facts of Evolution in Late Brahmi Inscriptions in Sri Lanka, The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka6th Research Conference 2013

05 Peopling in Sri Lanka, A Lecturer held for the doctors and the staff in Minuwangoda Hospital, 2013

06 The Establishment of Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka as Proved by Archaeological Evidences, National Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – 2013

07 A Critical Investigation on Imitating of Other religious Architectural Signs and Placing of Buddha’s statues in Public Places,National Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2013

08 The Methods of conservations and Maintenance Which is Appearing in Later Braghmi Inscriptions in Sri Lanka with Special Reference to Kongrayankulam Rock Inscription, 2nd International research Symposium, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka – 2014

09 Reinterpretation of VAHARALA and the Revelation of Economic Religious and Literary Condition of the Contemporary Society, 2nd National Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – 2014

10 A Historical research on the Property of Bhiksu Community and Monastery of Sri Lanka” 2nd National Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – 2014

11 An Investigation on the Necessity of a Council for Preserving of Buddhism, 2nd National Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – 2014

12 Celebration of Stupas in Sanskrit Inscriptions in Sri Lanka, International Buddhist Conference on Evolution of Buddhist Stupa,Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – 2014

13 The Concept of The Triple Stupa and Relic Stupa in Sri Lanka, International Buddhist Conference on Evolution of Buddhist Stupa, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – 2014

14 Modeling The Ancient Stupa in Digital tracing, International Buddhist Conference on Evolution of Buddhist Stupa, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka – 2014

15 Irregularities in Bragmi Inscriptions in Sri Lanka, Staff Development Programme, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka” 2014/09/01″

16 The Economic and Social Conditions Revealing From Vaharala Inscriptions, Monthly Organized Scholars Lecture, Central Cultural fund, Polonnaruwa Alahana Project, 26/03/2015

17 How to Teach History in Pirivena Schools within the Frame of Competency Based Education System, A workshop Organizes by the Pirivena Teachers Association, Sabaragamuwa Province, 24/04/2015

18 Monastery management system revealing in Vaharala inscriptions, Monthly organized guest lecturer in Abhayagiri Project, Anuradhapura. Central cultural fund, UNESCO, Sri Lanka, 27/10/2016

19 A Research on Ancient Weight Systems in Sri Lanka with Special Reference to Literary Sources Research paper presented to staff development programme, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 02/03/2017

20 The Impact of Information Technology in heritage Management, 4th International Buddhist conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2015

21 A Research on the Buddhist Missionaries sent by Emperor Asoka as Provided by Archaeological evidences, International Buddhist conference, Gautam Buddha University, India, 2017

22 A Study on Cost Effective Approach of computer Graphic Integration for Field Archaeological Practice, 3rd National Buddhist Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2017

 The Destroyed Buddhist Heritage of Malwathu Oya South Basin and the Social Reasons for Establishment of Different Religions, 3rd National Buddhist Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2017

24 Ancient Sri Lankan measuring Systems of Capacity, A research paper presented to the symposium for Internal Lecturers, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 2018

25 Safeguarding of Human Rights Background in Sri Lanka as proved by Ancient Epigraphical Evidences, 04th SIVUS International conference, Kolkata, India, 2018. P. 13

26 South India and Sri Lanka: How Sanskrit Inscriptions of Sri Lanka Reveal Relationship, International Conference, Chinmaya Vishvavidyapeeth, Kerala, India, 2018. P. 09

27 An Investigation on Holy Circular House (Chakaghara) and its Architectural Plan through revelation of its real usage, 2nd International Conference, Department of Sanskrit and Eastern Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2018, P.61

28 Modern Approaches in Sanskrit Studies, 2nd International Conference, Department of Sanskrit and Eastern Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2018, P.54

  1. Archaeology and Heritage management